Café Play Area Rules

Our Play Area is open to children from 0 to 4 years old. Every Child must be supervised by a responsible adult (18+) who will take responsibility for their child and be sure that their children follow the rules and play safely.
At Christ Church and 7 Cakes Cafe we take safeguarding seriously: No pictures of children other than your own should be distributed on social media.
We are committed to ensure that the place we provide remains safe. Due to health and safety, toys and books must stay in the play area. Food (including baby snacks) and drinks are not allowed inside the play area. We would appreciate it if your child plays inside the play space that we provide and doesn't disturb other customers. In the main area that is provided for our customers, children must remain seated at the tables with their parents/carers.
Please note that the Café Play Space is for customers who support 7 Cakes Café only.